Intervention ISN

Table of Contents


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`--> Agenda

Depuis quelques années, une nouvelle spécialité ISN (informatique et sciences du numérique) a été mise en place au Lycée. Cet enseignement de spécialité a lieu en terminale (mais également à titre expérimental en seconde dans certains lycées) et a un joli programme.

Jean-Marc Vincent qui est beaucoup intervenu dans la formation des enseignants de cette spécialité et a mis en place avec Marie Collin une série de séminaires à destination des enseignants du Lycée, et pas uniquement les enseignants de la spécialité ISN puisque certains thèmes abordés portent sur des enjeux sociétaux non techniques (typiquement des problèmes de vie privée…).

Pour ma part, j'ai parlé des défis posés par les grandes infrastructures numériques.

Technical Side Notes on Org/Beamer/Verbments/Minted

Most figures were assembled using inkscape (for those with bitmap files) et some using xfig (hence with figlatex). I used org-mode, beamer, verbments to prepare these slides. Unfortunately org-mode is not really compatible with verbments at the moment so I had to trick things a little (pretending I relied on minted). I thought some people may be interested so here is how I proceeded.

You obviously need to have verbments (from texlive-latex-extra debian package) and pygments from (python-pygments). To compile, you'll need pdflatex to be able to call pygments (, which does the pretty printing) so you'll need to call pdflatex -shell-escape. I configured org so that it exports with minted and then I sed so that the resulting LaTeX file actually uses verbments. I also sed the verbatim so that the results are pretty printed in the "same" way.

Here is my Makefile:

  cat /home/alegrand/Work/Documents/LIG/2015/150325_ISN_Grenoble/Makefile
  all: CNRS_college.tex CNRS_college-gz.pdf intervention_isn.tex intervention_isn-gz.pdf

	  emacs -batch --eval "(setq enable-local-eval t)" --eval "(setq enable-local-variables t)" $^  --funcall org-beamer-export-to-latex
	  mv $@ $@.bak
	  echo '\def\\raggedright{}' > $@
	  echo "\PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames}{xcolor}" >> $@
	  sed -e 's/\\begin{minted}\[\(.*\)\]{\(.*\)}/\\begin{pyglist}[language=\2,\1]/' -e 's/\\end{minted}/\\end{pyglist}/' \
	      -e 's/\\begin{verbatim}/\\begin{pyglist}[style=tango,bgcolor=Moccasin,numbers=left,numbersep=5pt]/' -e 's/\\end{verbatim}/\\end{pyglist}/' $@.bak >> $@

  %-gz.pdf: %.pdf
	  gzprez $<

	  tar --xform "s|^|$(ARCHIVE)/|" -zcf $@ `git ls-tree -r master --name-only | grep -v -e '.*-gz.pdf'`

I put this in the end of my org file:

  * Emacs Setup 							   :noexport:
    This document has local variables in its postembule, which should
    allow org-mode to work seamlessly without any setup. If you're
    uncomfortable using such variables, you can safely ignore them at
    startup. Exporting may require that you copy them in your .emacs.
  # Local Variables:
  # eval:    (setq org-latex-listings 'minted)
  # eval:    (setq org-latex-minted-options '(("bgcolor" "Moccasin") ("style" "tango") ("numbers" "left") ("numbersep" "5pt")))
  # End:

and of course #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{verbments} in the preamble of my org file.

  cp /home/alegrand/Work/Documents/LIG/2015/150325_ISN_Grenoble/ ./intervention_isn.txt

Here is what the whole org file looks like. If you want the whole sources (24MB once tar.gzipped because of all the bitmap images), just drop me an email.

This allows me to have syntax highlighting regardless of the type of code I use in org-mode.

Good luck and have fun!