

---> misc
| ---> 2016
| ---> 2015
| ---> 2014
| ---> 2013
| ---> 2012
`--> Agenda

Here is a list of Master subjects that I propose and for which I am looking for good and motivated students. Do not hesitate to contact me to obtain additional information and discuss these subjects. If you have a project of your own and which you would like me to advise, we should discuss it. It may turn out that I am not the best person for your subject but that some of my colleagues are, in which case I will point you to them.

  for i in /home/alegrand/Work/Documents/Internships/2014/M2R*.pdf; do 
      cp $i ./;
      j=`pdfinfo $i | grep 'Title:' | sed 's/Title:\s*//'`
      k=`basename $i`
      echo " - [[./$k][$j]]"