
Brice Videau, Erik Saule, and Jean-François Méhaut. Pastel : Parallel runtime and algorithms for small datasets. In 2009 International Workshop on Multi-Core Computing Systems (MuCoCoS’09). IEEE Computer Society Press, Fukuoka, Japan, March 2009. bibtex

Brice Videau, Corinne Touati, and Olivier Richard. Toward an experiment engine for lightweight grids. In MetroGrid workshop : Metrology for Grid Networks. ACM publishing, Lyon, France, October 2007. bibtex

Erik Saule and Brice Videau. PaSTeL Une implantation parallèle de la STL pour les architectures multi-cœurs : une analyse des performances. In Proceedings électronique de RenPar 18, Fribourg, Switzerland, February 2008. bibtex

Brice Videau and Olivier Richard. Expo : un moteur de conduite d'expériences pour plates-formes dédiées. In Conférence Française en Systèmes d’Exploitation (CFSE), Fribourg, Switzerland, February 2008. bibtex

Brice Videau, Erik Saule, and Jean-François Méhaut. PaSTeL : Parallel Runtime and Algorithms for Small Datasets. Technical Report 6650, INRIA, 2008. bibtex

Yiannis Georgiou, Julien Leduc, Brice Videau, Johann Peyrard, and Olivier Richard. A tool for environment deployment in clusters and light grids. In Second Workshop on System Management Tools for Large-Scale Parallel Systems (SMTPS’06), Rhodes Island, Greece, April 2006. bibtex

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