Master Research speciality AISSE

Jean-Marc Vincent and Nadine Mandran

mail : {Jean-Marc.Vincent,Nadine.Mandran}

Proposition 10x1h30 Friday afternoon one session 1h30 hours

Preliminary program and schedule

  1. 11/13/2015 The scientific method (1) JMV Slides
  2. 11/13/2015 The scientific method (2) NM Slides

    Homework : Read the presentation of Karl Popper Science:Conjectures and Refutations Question : This text has been written before Computer Science was funded. Explain in at most one page, how Popper's theory could apply in the context of Computer Science research now.

  3. 11/20/2015 Elements for experimentation (1) reproducibility, replicability, design of experiments JMV Slides

    Suggestion : install R-studio and try (examples in the slides)

  4. 11/27/2015 Elements for experimentation (2) data analysis process, descriptive statistics, data visualization NM

    Homework : R and R-studio : characterization of a program/algorithm

  5. 12/4/2015 Statistical Analysis (1) probability models, estimation Jmv Slides
  6. 12/11/2015 Statistical Analysis (2) confidence intervals, test and decision JMV Slides Linear Model Slides Case Study

    Homework : comparison of two alternatives : ranking programs

  7. 12/14/2015 Qualitative Approach (1) NM
  8. 12/18/2015 Qualitative Approach (2) NM

    Homework : project on the qualitative approach

  9. 01/08/2016 Scientific Communication (1) scientific presentation Jmv Slides
  10. 01/15/2016 Scientific Communication (2) writing scientific article Slides

    Homework : Bibliography and Plagiarism

Classroom : see ADE on Ensimag Website

Author: Jean-Marc Vincent

Created: 2016-01-16 Sat 12:41

Emacs 24.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.6)
