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Fourth Workshop on Desktop Grids and Volunteer Computing Systems (PCGrid 2010)
held in conjunction with the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid)
May 17, 2010
Melbourne, Australia

Keynote speaker
Prof. David Abramson
Director of  eScience and Grid Engineering Lab
Monash University, Australia

Talk Title: High Throughput Scientific Workflows with Nimrod/K.

Keynote speaker
Prof. Jaspal Subhlok
Professor Computer Science,
University of Houston, USA

Talk Title: Virtual Cluster based Parallel Computing on Volunteer Nodes.

*** Workshop Program is up! ***

Desktop grids and volunteer computing systems utilize the free resources available in Intranet and Internet environments for supporting large-scale computation and storage. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for discussing recent advances and identifying open issues for the development of scalable, fault-tolerant, and secure desktop grid systems. This year's workshop will have special emphasis on the interaction of clouds and desktop grids.

The workshop will be supported by the CoreGrid/ERCIM European Research Group on Desktop
Grid and Volunteer Computing System.

Important dates
Workshop: May 17, 2010

Journal Special Issue
Selected papers will be invited to a special section of Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Journal.

The past workshops
PCGrid 2007:  in conjunction with the IEEE IPDPS, Long Beach, California U.S.A.
PCGrid 2008:  in conjunction with the IEEE IPDPS, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
PCGrid 2009:  in conjunction with the IEEE IPDPS, Rome, Italy.