The SimGrid workshop on CLCAR 2009 is provided in English language only.


The SimGrid tutorial is an one morning event held in conjunction with the Second Latin-America Conference in High Performance Computing (CLCAR 2009). The tutorial will take place on September the 22th, 2009 in Merida, Venezuela.


SimGrid is a toolkit that provides core features for the simulation of distributed applications in heterogeneous distributed environments. The goal of the project is to facilitate research in the area of distributed and parallel applications on distributed computing platforms. Such platforms may rang from a simple network of workstations to complex clusters, grids and P2Ps environments.

The reference publication about the project is the following:
H. Casanova, A. Legrand and M. Quinson. SimGrid: a Generic Framework for Large-Scale Distributed Experimentations. In proceedings of Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, 2008.


The purpose of the tutorial is to provide attendees with Perspectives On the challenges for experimental research in the area of parallel and large-scale distributed computing, and on current technology for conducting experiments. The first part of the tutorial will present and contrast current experimental methodologies, giving attendees a glance of the scientific and technological issues at hand. The second part of the tutorial will focus on a practical SimGrid simulation example where one can observe the speedup of one application as a simple steady-state scheduler is refined.


Attends are supposed to have minimum knowledge in:

* C programming
* Parallel architectures
* Master/Slave strategy
* Bag of task applications
* Performance evaluation

Practical Information

Number of attendees confirmed: 2 (up to 20)
Inscriptions are opened
In order to subscribe this tutorial send an e-mail to: pedro.velho[AT]
In the mail subject put clcar-simgrid
You should receive a confirmation mail

Files - First Part

* Handout version of first part presentation [simgrid-tutorial.pdf]

Files - Second Part

* Handout version of second part presentation [simgrid-tutorial-part-2.pdf]

* Main source code [mslave.c]
* Master/Slave and Scheduler source code [sched_struct.c/sched_struct.h]
* Platform file [platform.xml]
* Deployment using dumb master [deployment_simple.xml]
* Testing script and generic deployment file []


* SimGrid Download Page
* SimGrid Documentation