London, Big Ben - Winter 2007/2008, Pedro Velho


Workshop: Large Scale Distributed Systems Research with SimGrid
Presented during CLCAR'2009 at Universidade de Los Andes, Merida - Venezuela

The SimGrid tutorial was held in conjunction with the Second Latin-America Conference in High Performance Computing (CLCAR 2009). The tutorial took place on September the 22th, 2009 in Merida, Venezuela.

SimGrid is a toolkit that provides core features for the simulation of Large-Scale Distributed Computing (LSDC) environments. SimGrid is versatile and was already successfully used to model platforms ranging from a clusters to complex volunteer computing environments. During this tutorial attendees experienced the main trends of distributed computing research and also had the opportunity to see in practice how SimGrid can be used to accurately and fast simulate LSDC systems.

Lecture: Large Scale Distributed Systems Research with SimGrid
Presented in 2009 at UIS - Universidade de Los Andes, Bucaramanga - Colombia

During this talk attendees many aspects of large scale distributed system research and how SimGrid can be at hand during development cycle.

Copyright 2010, Pedro Velho