Tutorial for Grid5000 and OAR

This tutorial is provided in English language only.


The Grid5000 tutorial is an one morning event held in conjunction with the Second Latin-America Conference in High Performance Computing (CLCAR 2009). The tutorial will take place on September the 21st, 2009 in Merida, Venezuela.


Grid5000 is an infrastructure distributed in 9 sites around France, dedicated for experimental research in large-scale parallel and distributed computing. It provides a "real-life" experimental grid research tool dedicated on computer science. It can be easily controlled, reconfigured and monitored. One of its main advantages is its degree of reconfigurability. This functionality allows researchers to deploy and install the exact software environment they need for their experiments, making the platform the ideal tool for real-life experimentation.


The reference publication about the project is the following:
Raphael Bolze, Franck Cappello, Eddy Caron, Michel Dayde , Frederic Desprez, Emmanuel Jeannot, Yvon Jegou, Stephane Lanteri, Julien Leduc, Noredine Melab, Guillaume Mornet, Raymond Namyst, Pascale Primet, Benjamin Quetier, Olivier Richard, El-Ghazali Talbi, and Touche Irena.
Grid'5000: a large scale and highly reconfigurable experimental grid testbed.
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 20(4):481-494, November 2006.

The Tutorial will be composed by a number of Practical Sessions. The purpose of the Practical Sessions is to introduce Grid5000 experimental platform and give participants a hands on experience of tools available upon Grid5000. Some more references concerning Grid5000 Tutorial are given, which can be used during the Tutorial to help the general understanding of Grid5000:


The first part of the tutorial will focus on understanding the Grid'5000 infrastructure. At the end of the practical session, attendants should be familiar with the different sources of information available to Grid'5000 users. Furthermore they should be able to connect to all Grid'5000 sites and launch simple interactive and batch jobs using OAR resource manager. This Tutorial is composed by the following exercises seperated into different sessions: The second part of the tutorial will give the opportunity to the attendants to use the reconfiguration capabilities of Grid5000 platform by learning to use Kadeploy toolkit. In this practical session, attendants will learn to deploy a preconfigured environment, customize it, register the customized version and script its deployment. For interested attendants that are already acquainted with the basic concepts of Grid5000, more complicated practical sessions will be presented. In more detail, attendants will have the opportunity to choose among practical sessions with the following subjects:


Attendants are supposed to have minimum knowledge in:

Practical Information

Number of attendees: 0 (up to 20)
Inscriptions are open until 10th of September 2009
In order to subscribe to this tutorial send an e-mail to:


In the mail subject put: CLCAR grid5000-tutorial
You should receive a confirmation mail within 2 bussiness days