2008-today, Martin Quinson
The USS-SimGrid project aims at Ultra Scalable Simulations with SimGrid.
This tool is leader in the simulation of HPC settings, and the main goal
of this project is to allow its use in the simulation of desktop grids
and peer-to-peer settings.
More information is available on the
I'm currently involved upon the improvement and proposition
of models available inside SimGrid. My current work in this
project include network models validation and improvements for
CPU model when using availability traces.
CAPES Ph.D. Grant
2006-today, Brazilian government
CAPES is a Brazilian institution responsible to redirect and
evaluate government investments in research. The aim of the
abroad Ph.D. grant is to complete the set of Ph.D programs
available in Brazil. Furnishing an alternative to students of valuable
performance that want to proceed to a
remarkable university outside the country.
More information is available on the
I'm currently full sponsored with a CAPES Ph.D. grant.
GMAP* - Parallel Applications Modeling Group
2003 - 2006, PUCRS - Brazil
The main goal of the Parallel Application Modeling Group is to
investigate high performance solutions for problems and applications
of other branch of knowledge (Biology, Geology, Physics, Medicine,
Elaborating high performance solutions for real problems requires the
expertise in different levels. Not only an analysis of the algorithm
complexity of the problem to be parallelized, but it is needed also to
know development environments and testing programs, parallel
programming techniques, performance evaluation and high performance
In this context, we intend to contribute with the creation of a
knowledge which is compatible with the state of the art in high
performance solutions for real applications. Recently, the members of
GMAP have been maintaining good productions in conferences and
international publications.
Furthermore, the financing for projects and scholarships are obtained
from government institutions (CAPES, CNPq, FINEP, etc) and private
institutions (HP). GMAP maintains scientific collaborations with
Brazilian research institutions (USP, UFCG) and international
institutions (INPG - France,
Karlsruhe University - Germany) groups.
The project is directed by Prof. Dr.
Luiz Gustavo Leão Fernandes . More
information is available on the
project webpage
I did my master sponsored by the GMAP team. During that time
the project was called CAP and was mainly financed by HP
Brazil. My main research activities was: development of parallel
applications using MPI and performance evaluation of parallel
GAPH* - Hardware Design Support Group
2002 - 2003, PUCRS - Brazil
The Hardware Design Support Group has as general
objective the research and development of methods and tools
for the design, implementation and validation of computational
systems. To do so, it also works with a strong emphasis on the
implementation of practical computational systems and digital
systems. Besides publications this site makes available (or
will make available soon) most software and hardware developed
in the context of the lifetime of the Group. Visit our
download Section to acquire information about this.
To view general data about the Group, it is also possible to take a
look at the CNPq Brazilian Research Groups Database description of the
GAPH in the following link. It contains information (in Portuguese)
about the member composition of the group, its associated research
subjects and cooperation issues.
More information is available on the project webpage
I worked at GAPH as an engineering assistant.
My main activity was the development in VHDL
of a SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) controller. I also
helped on the integration of Java and SystemC to the
Co-Simulation tool.