Grenoble, Chamrousse - Winter 2008/2009, Pedro Velho


Velho, P., Ph.D. thesis, Accurate and Fast Simulations of Large-Scale Distributed Computing Systems , to appear, Grenoble University, France.

Donassolo, B., Casanova, H., Legrand, A.,Velho, P., Fast and Scalable Simulation of Volunteer Computing Systems Using SimGrid, In proceedings of Workshop in Large Scale Systems and Application Performance, LSAP 2010, in conjuction with HPDC 2010, June, Chicago, USA.

Velho, P., Legrand, A., Accuracy Study and Improvement of Network Simulation in the SimGrid Framework , In proceedings of SIMutools'09, 2009, Rome, Italy.

Baldo, L., Cláudio, D. M., Fernandes, L. G., Kolberg, M., Velho, P., Optimizing a Parallel Self-verified Method for Solving Linear Systems, In proceedings of PARA - Workshop on State-of-the-Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, 2006, Umea, Sweeden.

Fernandes, L. G., Bezerra, E., Oliveira, F., Raeder, M., Velho, P., Amaral, L., Probe Effect Mitigation in the Software Testing of Parallel Systems, In proceedings of LATW - Latin-American Test Workshop, LATW, 2006, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pages 153-158.

Baldo, L., Castro, M., Fernandes, L. G., Raeder, M., Velho, P., A Parallel Version for the Propagation Algorithm, In proceedings of PaCT - International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies, 2005, Kranoyarsk, Russia, (LNCS 3606), pages 403-412.

Baldo, L., Fernandes, L. G., Roisenberg, P., Velho, P., Webber, T., Parallel PEPS Tool Performance Analysis Using Stochastic Automata Networks, In proceedings of Euro-Par, 2004, Pisa, Italy, (LNCS 3149), pages 214-219.

Copyright 2010, Pedro Velho